Our Current Caller Irv Hersha is retiring and and we need someone to fill his VERY LARGE shoes. Please contact Camille Lockling or Alice Wells if you are interested in calling BINGO!

Receptionist Position

Would you like to meet new people, help answer questions and be a part of making the Center run smoothly?

Receptionists are NEEDED at the Front Desk. We have four hour shifts available, either 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. or 12 p.m. to 4 p.m.

This is an ideal job for a team player: you’ll have a partner who works the desk with you since two volunteers are scheduled on each shift. Training is simple because it happens while you are on duty.

If you are interested, talk to one of our staff who will be glad to share their thoughts.

Alice Wells, Office Manager 503-362-5139.

Seeking Carpool Drivers

Ready to buckle up behind the wheel to drive others and see the sights. Are you someone who enjoys meeting new people and relishes an adventure?
Carpool Drivers are needed for once a month trips to “mostly local” events, though we do occasionally schedule activities to Portland and surrounding areas.

This a once monthly volunteer position with a gas reimbursement. Volunteering is tax deductible.

Once you’ve transported members to the event you are welcome participate with the group! We are seeking 4-5 drivers per month, so please volunteer your time and car to join in the fun. We are looking for volunteers ASAP, so don’t wait!

To volunteer, please call Lela Cesena, Travel Office

Write for Us!

Would you like to write an article for the newsletter? Have something to share? Drop your article off at the front office or email it to

Deadline for submissions is May 15th for the June newsletter!

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