Last month I mentioned that I was going to keep you updated on various financial issues throughout the center. Of course some of those details are in a paper bag at the Center or on my home desk. I know they are in a brown bag titled Stuff. And as luck has it I am in Seattle visiting my grand-weebees. Donna Avina (newsletter editor) informed me via a text that I am running late with it. She is almost ready to roll our newsletters hot off the printer.

The one thing I remember is we were concerned about costs within the newsletter. Ms. Donna saved our bacon with no losses this last month.

I am learning the Heart of the Deal as I am encapsulated within the shrinking walls of insanity. Three boys under 11 years of age, 3 cats and a large and shedding canine. Outside there are 12 inches of pristine snow, albeit it is melting. The kid’s mother sits across from me with terror and despair. The boys appear to be building some sort of fortress. One might ask if it is safe? I tell her they need to build that wall, and in this case I promise them unlimited snow time, cookies and milk if they keep building. Ahh, yes, the Heart of the Deal.

The weebees seem to insist on playing all media on the highest decibels possible. They now have an electronic presence with no human form that will answer all questions one will ask. She or he is called Alexa. Just assume complete trust in its answers, takes out all the hassle of research on one’s part regarding a question. Alexa knows all. Best of all, one does not have to say please or thank you.

I am getting off track here, Alexa will be as loud as you wish. I felt my eyes twitching and teeth grinding with it. No pleases seem to work. I asked Alexa to shut the H up, but this grandma found if she did her version of the Twist, Floss, and twerked or jerked (dance moves) in the line of the weebees vision, the decibels lowered. Yes, the Heart of the Deal. In case you do not know what twerking, jerking or flossing is, just ask a youngster.

I am thinking of an Alexa for the Center. I am also thinking of incorporating the Heart of the Deal into my remaining Presidency.

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