July is here and I begin it embracing my 7th decade. We certainly never know what to expect as we move through our aging process, do we? The Center is the place to embrace our life’s journey’s and the changes ahead. We welcome you to share your knowledge and joie de vivre with us. Come visit. Share. We encourage you to celebrate every moment!

We have created a committee to reach out to you and our newest members. I would ask you to please have a heartfelt conversation with the person who calls you and share with them your thoughts. The last two Membership Meetings have had more people on the board present than actual members. Our small gathering scratch our heads and ask each other why do members join and never enter the Center again?

There are other Centers that offer activities and services that we do not. We function as a unique entity. South Salem Senior Center is a non-profit that was started and continues to be run by dedicated volunteers. We have a Board that makes many decisions involving the operation of the Center. Feel free to raise your voice at a board meeting and consider what you can offer at a membership meeting. Feel free to attend a Board Meeting. Let me know what you want to address the Board with and I will call on you.

This Senior Center has a plethora of activities: computer, yoga and Tai Chi. We want to hear your Life Story. Express yourself in an art class. We have a Chef on the premises who can teach you to create a new dish. Don’t see something you like? Suggest a class, or offer to conduct something yourself! Take advantage of your $20.00 a year and be among an audience of your peers. Did you join so you could get a 20% discount on a room rental? (Oh, by the way, you can.) How can YOUR CENTER offer what you were looking for? We value your honest feedback.

The Center wants and needs your energy and fresh ideas! We need YOU! This is your Center: come and share your experience. Your input is WELCOME and is an investment in the future of your Center.

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