Happy 2019 folks. I hope you are ready to cast off any negatives from last year and are ready to open your hearts and minds to a new year. I read an affirmation this morning that stated rather than focusing on negativity or worry, I accept the invitation to pause and remember the truth: Peace is the foundation of every person and every situation. I see no walls or insurmountable problems for SSSC.

I want the members to see transparency within the Center and how it functions. I want you all to know we are doing quite well financially. Our thrift store brings in the greatest income. So please keep bringing us your contributions. We are doing well with our rentals, so I ask you to recommend us to your friends.

We have recently purchased a new computer for our office. Most of our other computers within the center are a few years old. One member shared at a meeting that our computer in travel was a dinosaur. It just took a long time for the travel coordinator to plan the lady’s trip.

Our expenses to create our newsletter are struggling. We pay a hefty lease payment for a printer and ink. Not poor management, just a costly undertaking.

We recently had to replace two cracked heat exchangers. I do not have the exact cost. But it was close to $20,000. Fortunately we had the funds to pay for it. We have had several issues with our stove. That has also been covered.

I am in the midst of taking the steps to have someone create a totally new website for the center. The existing one leaves much to be desired. It will cost approximately (a one time fee) of $280.00 to create it. A $15.00 monthly fee for the site itself. And $50.00 to pay a young lady to maintain it. I believe it will bring in new exposure for the center. We have to advance or retreat. Status quo or failure is not an option.

Many of you generously make donations to the center. Often you might wonder where it goes to specifically. I can assure you it is used wisely. But I would like to give you a suggestion. You might wonder why I told you about some of the specific expenses. I want you all to know if you decide to donate that you can specify where you would like your donations to go. For instance you could suggest your contribution go to a new roof in the future. I plan to keep you informed of what we do to maintain our center, so please tune in next month.

We are planning to have a soiree on March 22nd, a potluck at 5:00 p.m that will last as long as we can afford the musicians. It will be in celebration of St. Patrick’s Day and just a fun time to gather. We (the Board) will be providing the meat, we ask you to provide whatever you choose to bring. I certainly hope we have good attendance. It would be a bummer for the musical trio to have a small audience. The Rowdy Ramblers are a trio that plays oldies but goodies, which describes most of us to a tee.

We plan to have our annual Fashion Show and Tea in April. Please go through your clothes and see if there is a garment that was once calling your name but now wants out of your closet. If you have any bling to accessorize your donation, we can use it. Most all of the models wear the Thrift Store donations. If you have had visions of being a runway model, a walker or wheelchair model, here is your chance. You can even bring something from your closet, model it and then donate it. It does not matter if you are a female or male. If you do not want to model just come in and enjoy the tea.
We will let you know when the tickets will be available.

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