Every month we’re profiling one of our members. This month, we’re featuring Linda Peyton!

Linda Peyton was born in 1946 in Salem and grew up first in Valsetz and then in Dallas. She moved back to Salem in 1977 after a divorce and began working at K-Mart, where she was manager of the fashion accessories department and then operations manager for some years. She gained a name for herself as the Blue Light Queen, and when K-Mart retired the blue light, it came to reside in her garage. Her daughter from her first marriage was born in 1972, and she married Steve Peyton in 1979, a 21-year marriage that lasted until his passing in 2000.

She retired from K-Mart in 2001 and took on a new lease on life, learning to fell timber, run a bulldozer, and split ten cords of wood per year. She also learned to ride a motorcycle at this time, a hobby she wishes she could still do but can’t.

She met her late husband Frank Martirano in 2005. They met on a Friday, went to the movies on Saturday, and he proposed on Sunday. They married three months later and were married for 13-and-a-half years when he passed this March. Frank was also a long-time member of South Salem Senior Center.

Linda loves motorcycles, pickup trucks, the beach, long rides, and old country music. Linda became a member of South Salem Senior Center in 2002. She’s served as the Gift Shoppe manager (2003-2012) and office manager (2014-2015).

When asked what she enjoys the most here at South Salem Senior Center, she said she likes to help people find what they need. She also appreciates the many friends she has made here over the years. Linda hopes the Center will continue to grow to include more members and community services for everyone here.


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