Highlights from This Month’s Newsletter…

Meetings This Month

Board Meeting

Monday, March 11, 10 a.m. Meeting is open to any interested member. Agenda is posted on the hallway bulletin board.

Membership Meeting

The next membership meeting is March 13, 1 p.m. Birthday Reception to follow the meeting.

SSSC Volunteers Wanted

  • Travel Coordinator: Plan trips, register travelers, and escort tours. (2+ days per week)
  • Newsletter (Backup) Editor: Write, edit and do computer graphics to assist current editor and fill in during an absence. (3-4 days per month).

Call 503-588-1443 if interested!

Fashion Show and Tea Dates Changed

The Spring Fashion Show and Tea, originally scheduled for April 13th, has been changed to April 6. Tickets will go on sale March 1, for $10 per person. Sue Horn from Avamere Court (Keizer) will once again commentate the event.

The fashion show will feature clothes and jewelry from the Nifty Thrifty Rummage Room, and the Center’s Gift Shoppe. Volunteers will prepare and serve the food and teas.

If you would like to try out your runway modeling skills, or perhaps you’d like to assist with food prep or service, call the Center to volunteer (503-588-0748)

Tickets will be sold at the Center’s reception desk.

Party Time: First Potluck of 2019

We’re going to party like it’s 2019! Our first potluck of the new year is March 22, 5 p.m., with entertainment and a St. Patrick’s Day theme!
The Board of Directors will provide the entrée of pulled pork sandwiches, and members and their guests are asked to bring a dessert, salad, or casserole to share. Please bring your own plates and cutlery. Beverages will be provided.

Entertainment is by the musical group Rowdy Rumblers, who play a variety of music styles from country to rock n’roll. Anyone who wants to get up and dance is welcome to, with or without a partner.

We need to know how many will be attending so please sign up on the clipboard at the front sign in, or call the reception desk, (503) 588-0748, by March 15. We encourage you to bring a guest to party with you. (Please ensure your guest brings a gift to share!)

New members are especially encouraged to attend and get acquainted with other members. Door prizes! Please join us and let’s have a fun party!

Rowdy Rumblers will entertain us at the March 22 Member’s Party and Potluck.

Pancake Breakfast

OR Homemade Biscuits and Gravy, with eggs, sausage or ham, orange juice,
8 to 10 a.m.
March 16, 2019

Moving Forward: A Note from Donna Avina

This is my last newsletter. I will be giving up my many volunteer jobs at our Center as of March 1, turning the newsletter creation over to Zoe Morrison, who also teaches a class once a month on preserving your old photos. I need to take some time off from volunteering to work on health issues. I have enjoyed writing and publishing your newsletter and I hope you have enjoyed what I’ve presented.

The newsletter print production team will continue to consist of Roger Corrado, Arturo Guillen, Jim Scott, and Karen Sloan. Frances Hice is the proofreader. Karen Voss, lead volunteer on the folding committee, and her dedicated volunteers fold and prepare the newsletter to be mailed.

I encourage you to read your newsletter because it is full of informative and entertaining information, and is the result of many hours of volunteer service. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this great volunteer team. I urge you to support Zoe and the team as they make the transition from my way of doing things into Zoe’s way. I’m sure there will be changes, but that is sometimes needed to be able to move forward.

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