Monday Afternoon Crafters
by Arlene Williams
Recently, I went on a bus tour to Tacoma and Victoria, B.C. As we rode from area to area, I overheard another lady say that she was involved with the Assistance League that sponsors Operation School Bell, that provides clothing and supplies for school children in the Salem Schools. She mentioned that according to their figures, there are 700 homeless high school children in Salem Schools.
I mentioned that our SSSC craft group donated items to them, she hesitated a moment and then blurted out, “Oh, you’re the group that donated hats and matching scarves. We were thrilled with all of those donations!”
Our group is becoming well known. I then told her about our project to knit 360 hats and matching scarves for the Chemawa Indian School. Operation School Bell was the recipient of the excess, for which they were very grateful.
One of our newer places to receive our donations is Hospice. We now have ladies creating lap robes, hats, scarves, mittens and slippers. They are so appreciative of everything we donate.
We are so thankful for those ladies who knit or crochet, and send us their creations. All are gratefully accepted and passed on to those in need.
Please join us, Mondays from 1-3. We have yarn, needles, and help those who would like to learn.
Garden Club
by Barbara Castle
January 2019 Garden Meeting: We will meet on Jan. 22, the Tuesday after Martin Luther King Day. The Center is closed on that Monday. We will have a Master Gardener speaker at 1 p.m. Everyone is invited. You don’t have to be a member to attend.
Our meetings are usually on the third Monday of each month except in January and February due to Federal holiday closures.
Our group is fortunate to have Master Gardener speakers on a regular basis to come discuss all kinds of garden related topics, questions and issues we deal with in our home gardens. Other speakers visit with plants for our raffles. We are a fun and active group of age 55+ folks who enjoy all things garden related.
Please come and check us out. We love to welcome visitors who want to join in our fun or just want to find out what they are missing!
Questions? Phone me, Barbara, chair of the club, at 503-375-7723. Leave a message as I may be out in my garden.
Nifty Thrifty Rummage Room
by Francis Fredrickson and Randy Miles
A new year is underway! Donations are coming in on a regular basis, they are always appreciated. We are open from 9 to 1 on the First Saturday of each month, 8 to 10 on the Third Saturday, and weekdays from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
1st Saturday Rummage Sale: January 5, 9-1
Gift Shop News
The Gift Shop is open 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday. We have many great items for sale. Good deals and very reasonable prices. Check out our selection of greeting cards, 2 for .50 cents.
The Gift Shop needs donations in order to have a variety of items. Please go through your drawers, dressers and cabinets, and find things you can donate. Your unwanted items can become someone else’s treasure.