Monday Afternoon Crafters
by Arlene Williams
During the month of April, Serenity Hospice invited our group of knitters and crocheters to an Appreciation Breakfast on a Saturday morning. They wanted to show their appreciation to volunteers, quilters, knitters, and crocheters.
A volunteer told how she selects two quilts to give to a new Hospice patient to give them a choice. Frequently, after the patient has passed on, she’ll go back and contact the family. She’ll notice that the quilt is displayed as a remembrance of the family member.
We make slippers, scarves, lap blankets, shawls, hats etc. Sometimes the slippers are small. Hospice will frequently give them to children in the home who are in need of slippers, hats, scarves, etc.
Thank you to Serenity Hospice for the breakfast and thanking the volunteers. It’s great to receive recognition. We have received a lot of questions about the fidget quilts requested by hospice for their Alzheimer’s and dementia patients. Several la-dies have dropped in to our work time on Mondays from 1:00 to 3:00 to inquire about them and receive ideas. We also have items to give to those wanting to make a Fidget Quilt.
Garden Club
by Barbara Castle
We will meet at South Salem Senior Center on May 20 to carpool to Godfrey’s Nursery off Hwy. 22. During this trip we will also go to Wavra’s which is very near. (People who live on the way there, feel free to travel on your own.) There is NO DISCOUNT for our group we discovered last year.
Our Plant Sale was on May 3rd, 4th and 5th to coincide with the Semi-Annual Rummage Sale. We had a wide selection of items to choose from during the sale including houseplants, garden plants and landscaping plants.
Planning your garden? Vegetables starts will also be available. PLEASE come see us inside the South Salem Senior Center in our “usual” Garden Room, sharp right inside the main doors.
Due to our recent cold & wet weather our tomato plants are dragging their roots (haha) but we are hopeful they will be bigger & ready to provide you with lush fruit by July/August/September.
Join us for our monthly meetings: We visit nurseries, have nursery visitors, invite Master Gardener speakers & visit gardens in the summer. We LOVE to talk about our gardens even if we cannot do the work!
Garden Club meets on the third Monday of the month at 1:00pm unless our reminder calls say otherwise. If you have questions about the Garden Club, contact Barbara at 503.375.7723